Saturday, 4 June 2011

Dutch terrorist hunters believe that Nediyavan has a prominent role in the Tamil Tigers

Dutch terrorist hunters believe that Nediyavan has a prominent role in the Tamil Tigers
[20.05.2011, 09:24am, Fri. GMT]
The notorious newly elected LTTE's Leader Perinpanayagam Sivaparan known by his nom de guerre Nediyawan is a prominent figure in the LTTE is at judicial interrogation at Oslo. Dutch police believe he has contributed millions in terrorist financing. Dutch terrorist hunters believe that Nediyavan has a prominent role in the Tamil Tigers (LTTE), and that he is central to a larger LTTE's finance activities.
LTTE Leader Nediyavan who daily work in a nursery school was a few months since the visit by Dutch police, who had gotten a court order to search the residence of his. After the TV 2 understand, it should have been seizures that links him to terrorist financing case.

According to the latest report, The Dutch investigators believe he has contributed millions to LTTE.

Norwegian Conservatives believe that Norway should do as the 27 EU countries, and look at the Tamil Tigers as a terrorist organization, according to Peter S. Gitmark in foreign and defense committee.

We know that Tamils ​​raises funds in Norway and has done so for a long time.

There will be affected by terrorism legislation in the EU, means that Norway is a haven.

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