Sunday, 29 May 2011

Second Generation Tamil Migrant's Barbaric Attack - Sydney

Suitcase murder boarding house link

Updated March 14, 2011 16:53:00
Human remains Meadowbank crime scene
The canal at Meadowbank Park where construction workers found a suitcase containing the body of Indian student Toshar Thakkar. (David Spicer)
Sydney police have revealed that a murder victim whose body was found in a suitcase last week was renting a room in the same boarding house as her alleged killer.
The body of 24-year-old Indian student Toshar Thakkar was found in the case by construction workers last Friday at Meadowbank, in the city's west.
The 19-year-old Croydon man charged with her rape and murder, Sri Lankan national Daniel Stani-Reginald, remains in custody and is due to face court again in May.
Speaking outside the Burwood Local Court after Stani-Reginald's second court appearance today, Detective Chief Inspector Pamela Young described the murder as a predatory act.
She says there was no relationship between the two.
"She lived next door to him. It was a very unfortunate choice to live there, " Inspector Young said.
"It was not her fault by any means - it was just a very unfortunate choice and it seemed in my view a bit of a time bomb for poor Tosha, living at that address."
Ms Thakkar's cousin, Niralee, says she was a wonderful person who died too young.
"No human being should ever deserve something like this, and we just hope her soul rests in peace," she said.

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